Um die Gummiherstellung für extreme Belastungen sind unsere Spezialität!

• Wettbewerbsfähige Preise • Zuverlässige Lieferungen • Hohe Qualität • Expertise und Marktnähe

Njurunda gummiverkstad
Vertrieb von Transportbändern

Njurunda Gummiverkstad Service und Vertrieb von Transportbändern, Gummihandschuhe, Prime Drive, virkesflaps, Spray Polyurethan, Schaber, Führungsrollen und Trommelbeschichtungen.
    Conveyor belt
    Njurunda gummiverkstad scanbelt transportband
    Scanbelt A conveyor belt from Phoenix that is better than most. About 0.5 mm more rubber between the webs than is usual on the market today. Higher rubber quality with such. an abrasion of about 110 mm3! Ex thickness EP 400/3 4 + 2 Scanbelt 10.0 mm EP 630/4 6 + 2 Scanbelt 13.6 mm

    Njurunda gummiverkstad Monoply Solid Woven  transportband
    Monoply Solid Woven
    extremely durable tape Solid core cover rubber alto. PVC Excellent elevator, conveyor Strong joints approximately 90% of the band's strength durable joints with splices

    Self-extinguishing bands
    Flame-resistant Flame Just Self-extinguishing Our suppliers possess all authorizations

    Primpact Chockband
    EP 630/3 12+4 Gummikvalitet DIN 22102 W

    Njurunda gummiverkstad Ferrotex 
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    Band with steal breaker Effectively protects against cuts & kind.

    Flex Wood Sawmill Band
    Medium oil resistant anthracite Blacken non 400/3 0 + 0 400/3 1 + 0 500/4 0 + 0 500/4 1 + 0

    Bright & black bands

    Heat resistant
    Heat 150 Heat 180 Heat 220 All our bands are available from the EP 250, EP 3150, widths

    Oil resistant
    Mortex - Medium oil Mortex Fight EP 400/3 3 + 0, Extra gum between 2 & 3 fabric to prevent cupping Oiltex - Completely oil-resistant A band of nitrile rubber. Heat resistant with peaks up to 130 degrees Celsius.

    Conveyor belts for round balers John Deere Original EP 400/3 4 + 1 Baltex - our own, adapted for small drum diameters EP 400/1 2 + 2

    Fitting the strap lock to the above bands
    Njurunda gummiverkstad prime drive transportband
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    Prime drive

    Length 1500 mm Standard 55 Shore. Width 140 mm NR / BR / SBR thickness 16 mm Very natural. Bolt M8x35 Torx 40. Quality II Self-tapping stainless steel. Trepenbeständig 55 Shore. Predrilled 7,4 mm. SBR / NBR Distance ca. 35 mm between the elements Calculate about 12 bolts / elements for proper attachment for gängan.Varje outer screw holes must be used. Hijacked elements must contain at least 2 pairs of holes for mounting.
    Njurunda gummiverkstad remlås transportband
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    Belt collectors

    For strip thicknesses up to 30 mm Environmentally friendly Non-magnetic stainless
    Our range of splices includes, among others .:
    Plate Grip Mini Record Titanium 05 R2, R5, R5 1/2, R6 and R7

    Virkesflaps of peroxide vulk EPDM
    EPDM Flaps for kilns
    Stocked in 2 thicknesses 3 and 4 mm, we cut them in finished widths of 1400 mm.
    Length up to 100 m
    Njurunda gummiverkstad sprutpolyuretan transportband
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    Spray polyurethane

    Spray Polyurethane for fast and efficient coating. Extremely wear resistant. Examples of use: Screw conveyors impeller and pump housing Aiming Filters Mixers Conveyors and repair of these. Tool Carrier Rollers Drums
    Njurunda gummiverkstad skrapa transportband
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    Guide rollers
    Njurunda gummiverkstad trumbeläggning transportband
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    White coating drum

    Njurunda gummiverkstad styrrulle transportband
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    Guide rollers for conveyor belts

    Njurunda gummiverkstad Gummibeläggning av vals transportband
Band med stålbreaker transportband
    Rubber coating of rollers
Werktags von 7.00 bis 16.00 Uhr

Industrivägen 9
Box 89
SE-862 22 Kvissleby
NOBA Gummiteknik
+46 60 - 56 13 58
+46 60 - 56 16 51
Njurunda Gummiverkstad
+46 60 - 51 31 90
+46 60 - 56 16 51
